
Spatial Data Science Using R (Aug.26-28, 9:00-5:00 each day, UW campus)

Ended Aug 29, 2019

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Full course description

Spatial Data Science Using R: An Application to Time Series Animal Movements using sf and raster packages

This workshop is closed for applications. 


In this 3-day workshop participants will learn how to use Program R and other open source geospatial software (e.g., GRASS) to conduct advanced spatiotemporal analyses. We will primarily focus on methods for using freely available climate and satellite data to derive meaningful metrics that can help make inference into the mechanisms of animal movement via relocation data (i.e. GPS Collars). Methods will include raster data processing for both static, multi-scaled datasets (DEM and geomorphometrics) and time-series (MODIS, SNODAS, DayMet, etc.).  The course will involve both lecture and active coding components. In the morning of the first day, we plan to offer an optional 0.5 day course on the basics of Spatial Data Science using R to get students familiarized with ‘simple features’ and raster datasets. The remaining 2.5 days will focus on learning and practicing the methods, with some potential time for working on your own projects/data on the final day. Previous R experience is strongly encouraged. Space is limited, so apply soon. Lunch and snacks will be provided on days 2 and 3.

Instructors: Dr. Jerod Merkle, Dr. Shannon Albeke, & Dylan Perkins

When: August 26-28, 2019 from 9 AM to 5 PM each day

Where: University of Wyoming; Agriculture Bldg. Rm 316

Cost: free

Prerequisites: none

For more information: email